Updated Agenda and List of Participating Companies, Individual Panelists and Presentation Speakers Now Available on Web Site
NEW ORLEANS – The 2023 Louisiana Energy Conference will be held in New Orleans at the Ritz-Carlton, New Orleans at 921 Canal Street May 30 – June 1, 2023.
The Conference will feature a series of 27 panels and presentations that will address key domestic and international industry developments and topics. Executives from nearly 80 leading public and private exploration and production and oil field services companies as well as representatives from energy-related private equity firms, industry trade groups, regulatory agencies, investment banks, institutional research groups, and industry advisory and law firms will participate in the discussions.
A detailed agenda with all panels and presentations along with the individual panelists and presenters is now available at www.LouisianaEnergyConference.com. The online agenda will be updated as additional participants are confirmed.
Attendance at special events during the Conference may be limited so please register and complete your personal agenda as soon as possible.
Confirmed investment professional attendees will be offered the opportunity to register for one-on-one meetings with companies participating on the panels.
Al Petrie, Senior Partner of Al Petrie Advisors, host of the event, commented, “We are very pleased with our expanded list of panels and participating companies this year. We are fortunate to have a strong roster of c-suite executives from the participating companies serving on our panels who see the value of an interactive series of discussions. We believe this is an opportune time to host discussions with energy companies and knowledgeable experts on what the future holds for all facets of the traditional and evolving green energy industries. This year we have sessions focused on Gulf of Mexico, onshore U.S. and international E&P and oil services, as well as ones devoted to carbon capture, LNG, ESG, wind, and renewable fuels. We are equally excited to host several evening networking events made possible by our sponsors.”
Attendance at the Conference is directed to investment professionals including buy side and sell side analysts and portfolio managers, as well as private equity and wealth management executives, and trust officers. We also welcome energy industry management and advisors to the industry. There is no cost for investment professionals attending the Conference. The cost for all other attendees is $349 for the three-day event.
Attendees are advised to register to attend and book their hotel rooms soon. While the rate of $199 is guaranteed through May 16, rooms may not be available based on the current rate of guests reserving rooms.
The Conference web site www.LouisianaEnergyConference.com provides online registration, the ability to reserve hotel rooms, and full details on the event which is being hosted by Al Petrie Advisors. For additional information including sponsorship opportunities, please call (504) 799-1953 or email [email protected].
Contact: Al Petrie (504) 799-1953
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