Thursday, September 30th | 12:00pm MDT
It is not of course – it looks like black molasses! But that doesn’t stop us from using Near Infrared Spectroscopy to take real-time measurements in diluted bitumen applications and using those measurements to monitor vapor pressure in these dark, asphaltene laden and highly viscous streams. Real-time analysis allows for the possibility of online blending controls and optimization, increasing profitability and ensuring that required custody transfer specifications are met.
Near IR spectroscopy has been successfully employed across the Western Sedimentary Basin for a wide range of applications, including:
- Optimizing Condensate Stabilizers
- Optimizing frac towers like de-ethanizers and de-butanizers
- Blending control and quality monitoring for condensate
- And now – real time RVP analysis for diluted bitumen !
More Data – Less Maintenance
With no sample system requirements and no moving parts, JP3’s Verax provides liquid and gas measurements with almost zero downtime.
Maximize Efficiency & Profits
Stop paying penalties, maximize production all with a low maintenance low operating cost solution.
Real-time compositional and physical property analysis allow operations to maximize performance, optimize productivity and increase profits – join us and ASK us how this technology can increase overall efficiency for your facility, along with its quick ROI.
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Insights with Insight – JP3
September 30 2021 | 12:00pm MDT
Insights with Insight – UWT Level Control
October 28th 2021 | 9:00am MDT
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