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Simplifying Digital Transformation for Energy Companies

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Simplifying Digital Transformation for Energy Companies_V2

Everybody is talking about digital transformation. Companies in all industries are embracing technologies that encourage collaboration, increase job satisfaction, and generate new value and opportunities.

But with all of the options for digital tools available, it can get a little overwhelming. Every department within a copy has its own needs and job functions, and there are solutions available for nearly all of those needs.

What is the ultimate set of analytical and collaboration tools? What if every team within the organization gave preferences to different platforms? All these questions have to be answered by project managers, and it is not an easy task.

Disconnected Tools Make for Disconnected Teams

With the variety of options available on the software market, choosing the right tools can be a challenge. While many apps facilitate collaboration, they can also help eliminate the gap between team members while working away from the office. Software tools can promise any number of innovations in daily operations, improved information visibility, saved time for managers and reduced financial risk to the operations team.

Finding a one-size-fits-all solution for all of a company’s business functions can be the hardest challenge. To avoid confusion between different data formats, improve the readability of any reported content, eliminate the need for costly integrations and extra staff for some data interpretation, a set of department-specific apps are the norm.

Department heads would start with testing different platform options within the real world. Acquisition and adoption of a new tool could take months, if not longer, and offer very little in  terms of visibility to other departments.

Data Transfer and Knowledge-sharing

Deployment time and transfer of up-to-date data become obstacles for businesses during the tool selection process. The more disparate the toolset that a company deploys, the harder it can be to collaborate, share data, and find new business efficiencies.

The primary innovation driver that exists today can be identified as the inefficiency of paper-based and traditional tools. Specifically, if you look at the field services industry, information that is not kept securely within software and applications gets lost easily, either stored in physical binders or spreadsheet cluttering which acts as an obstacle for smooth operations. Every department ends up wasting each other’s time using different tools. This can lead to missed deadlines, lost data and cost overruns.

Naturally, finance departments would not be sharing access to their software suite if a GIS (geographic information system) professional needs to review budgets. And each user, most likely, would have to be paying extra per user account. This minimizes collaboration capabilities, and it also creates delays in project management, making it difficult for both teams to operate efficiently. That often results in GIS professionals opting in for a separate tool of a different format from the financial management features.

One Tool to Rule Them All

There are solutions, however, that meet the needs of different stakeholders in one application. Matidor is an example of a tool that can combine GIS (map-based) data with financial data and collaboration tools.

With Matidor, all stakeholders can drill down to a specific project location with user-friendly GIS tools and key data such as budgets, tasks, and files, making it easy for non-technical users to update and share information.

Intuitive reporting provides teams with peace of mind, with regular deadline reminders and notifications of critical events. Also, the ability to share project data and standardize workflows for vendors using Matidor as a one-stop solution facilitates better decision-making. It ensures that all projects result in better and more efficient operations, cleaner resource extraction, and better processes across all departments.

Before you start investing your time into research of multiple tools that could risk driving a wedge between each department, take a look at Matidor. Save your time by booking a demo call with the team today and look at a single solution that can satisfy the needs of all stakeholder groups.

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