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Traditional Earthworks Execution Doesn’t Limit Change Orders: How Digital Construction Execution is Reshaping the Industry

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Advancements in construction technology are happening rapidly – are you seeing the benefits?


Integrated Sustainability is bridging the traditional boundary between engineering and construction with advanced earthworks execution best practices.

Over the past 10 years, Integrated Sustainability has gained an inside perspective to the inefficiencies of conventional construction practices while acting as owners’ engineer. They believed there was a better way to use today’s technology to execute higher quality projects at a lower cost by managing unanticipated subsurface conditions more effectively and increasing productivity.

With over 40 reservoir construction projects as owners’ engineer in hand, the team sought to integrate heavy civil construction and earthworks into their existing design and construction management services.

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This led to the development of what Integrated Sustainability calls the Advanced Earthworks Execution Workflow. This methodology allows for rapid communication between the engineering and the field construction teams. It provides real-time data and maximum worksite efficiency, ultimately enabling design changes on the fly, and allowing all parties to manage unanticipated subsurface conditions much more effectively which keeps earthworks construction projects on track and under budget.

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Integrated Sustainability’s transition to “concept to completion” turnkey infrastructure delivery and their innovative approach to earthworks construction has gained a significant amount of interest within the industry and has garnered an impressive amount of press within the last year.

Features and case studies have been published by Finning Canada, Propeller Aero, Trimble, the BOE Report, Onsite Magazine, and Construction Links Network. Check them out below for a more in-depth explanation of the approach and the implementation of technology to create the winning recipe for total worksite management efficiency and project cost savings.

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Feature on Integrated Sustainability as Finning’s first client partnership to fully integrate their entire line 2nd generation GPS enabled equipment

“Innovative Approach Leads to Project Success for Engineering Firm”

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Three-part case study series highlighting the integration of Propeller powered technology into each aspect of the project lifecycle. Each part provides a different team member perspective and how it helps execute their role within the project.

“A Case Study: The Journey from Simple Drone Surveys to Worksite Management: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3

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“A Reservoir of Opportunity: Pilot Project Reshapes Integrated Sustainability’s Digital Perspective”

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“Are You Capitalizing on Next Generation Civil Construction?”

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“Executing on design: Calgary engineering firm leans on new equipment technology to move into construction”

Are you still executing projects under the traditional earthworks execution workflow?
Why not consider a new approach?

If you would like to learn more about Advanced Earthworks Execution and how it can support your operations, please contact:

Yves Matson
Director, Strategic Development
1 (587) 216-4949
[email protected]


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