Screw WHAT mess? …the disorganized mess of paper folders, data files, surveys, printed spreadsheets, drawings, pictures, meeting notes, lists of dates, and whatever else makes its way into the stack of documents needed for energy project land assessment, acquisition, and contract management.
Trying to find the right information strains your resources, slows projects down, and even puts projects at risk. It’s a painful reality but the right technology and expertise can elevate how your project stakeholders’ access and utilize all the information.
More accurate decisions can be made by swapping tedious paper-based land management with interactive polygons and geospatial intelligence that display your projects along with robust layers of environmental, cultural, and other datasets,
Combining the right software and data will provide more precise project siting, acquisitions, and land management. Learn how to solve key operating challenges by leveraging our new Pandell Whitestar Integrated Solution:
- Have experts digitize your land records and maps
- Use specialized software for land acquisition management and mapping
- And add geospatial intelligence.
Read More About the Pandell Whitestar integrated Solution
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