Take control of your facilities with Autonomous gate security. Most producers have incurred some form of theft or vandalism at their sites over the years. We can provide Artificial Intelligence gate security featuring license plate recognition. This can then be compared to a known list of approved personnel authorized to be on site.
This same service can also be applied to remote monitoring of areas that could be vulnerable, like remote risers or facilities not manned 24/7. AI can be trained to watch for all unwanted anomalies. Automated voice commands can warn potential intruders they are being surveilled. The possibility of reduced insurance premiums as a result of increased security maybe available to you as well.
Artificial Intelligence can also be used as a safety tool to verify employees are wearing appropriate safety gear, like hardhats. AI works great for turnarounds and any major onsite activity where this form of safety compliance is essential.
If you would like your sites/facilities safe and compliant with the security services discussed above, or maybe you would just like some more information, set up a discovery meeting TODAY by reaching out to Darwin at [email protected] or Darin at [email protected].
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