Sample system design and implementation are often critical to the operational success of analytical installations. With years of experience in design and troubleshooting, we have seen many of the things that can go wrong and are actively designing solutions for challenging applications or common problems.
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Scoop/Impact Probe
The Insight Analytical Liquid Fast Loop probe design exploits modern technologies including CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) and metal 3D printing to produce an optimized solution for creating closed-loop flow in analytical fast loops, without the need for additional pumps or venting the process fluid after analysis. This probe is an ideal solution for applications requiring fast analysis response time and sample return to the process, including composite samplers, moisture measurement, densitometers, and GC, NIR or Raman compositional measurements.
- Fast loop without pump or vents.
- No recovery tanks, fluid returns to process.
- Suitable for most liquids from NGL’s to crudes.
- Adjustable insertion length.
- 316 Stainless steel construction.
- Close couple analyzers, Near-Infrared, Raman, Densitometers, and GC’s.
- Fast loop for vaporizer near the tap, improves response times greatly.
- Fast loop for composite or grab samplers, ensures fresh samples available.
- Moisture measurement.
Scoop Probe:
2 Way & 3 Way Spring Return Valve
The Insight Analytical Solutions Sprint Return Valve is a manual ball valve equipped with a spring that ensures that it will remain in the normally closed position unless the valve handle is manually rotated and held in the open position. This auto-return feature is ideal for applications where serious issues may occur if the valve is accidentally left open, such as in manual grab sample stations.
- Auto shut-off feature for safety-sensitive applications.
- CRN Registration.
- Working pressures up to 2500 psig.
- Color-coded valve handle options.
- Aluminum valve handle option for use over extended temperature range up to 149°C
- 316 SS wetted parts
- Safety-sensitive applications where incidents may occur due to the valve being left in the wrong position.
- Manual grab sample stations.
- Refueling.
- Draining – coalescing filter drains.
- Pressure gauges for the avoidance of dead legs in the system.
2 Way Spring Return Valve:
3 Way Spring Return Valve:
NPT Probe – 1”, ¾”, ½”
The Insight Analytical NPT sample quill probe has a NPT process connection and another male NPT connection for an isolation valve. It is designed for most gas phase applications, the common practice of specifying probe length to locate the tip in the center third of the pipe typically results in a probe that is much longer than required to obtain a representative sample. The elimination of excess sample probe length lowers cost, improves response time, makes plugging less likely, reduces pressure drop and flow disturbances in the process pipe, and makes it possible to design the probe to withstand high process gas velocity without failure caused by vortex shedding induced vibration.
- Hemispherical tip rejects particulate & liquid aerosols.
- Electropolished 316L stainless steel. Improved corrosion resistance, higher fatigue strength, and reduces tendency for thread galling.
- Elimination of excessive sample probe length. Lower cost, better response time. Reduces the likelihood of plugging, along with pressure drop & flow disturbances in the pipe.
- Probe designed to withstand high gas velocities without failure due to vortex shedding.
- Natural gas sampling.
- Sulfur recovery process.
- CEM & stack applications.
- Extractive gas analysis.
NPT Probe:
Zone1 & Div2 Carryover Sensors
This carryover sensor is designed to detect the presence of liquids such as water, glycol, and alcohols in gas phase analyzer sample systems at pressure up to 3450 kPag (500 psig). It functions as a combination of cyclone separator, knock-out pot, and liquid carryover sensor. The sample housing has an upper section made from electroless nickel plated aluminum with 1/8” NPT inlet and output ports, with the inlet gas going through a 2 mm diameter orifice and flowing tangentially into a small diameter bore.
- Functions as a combination of cyclone separator, knock-out pot & liquid carryover sensor.
- Capacitive sensor to detect accumulated liquids.
- Adjustable sensor sensitivity.
- NACE compliant housing.
- Ability to detect metals or metallic compounds.
- Sour gas applications.
- Natural gas water carryover.
- Glycol dehydration contractor.
- TEG accumulation & corrosion in pipelines – Mechanical carryover or vaporization.
- Heat exchanges – leak detection.
Zone1 Carryover Sensor:
Div2 Carryover Sensor:
NPT NESSI Sample Probe
The Insight Analytical ½” NPT NESSI Sample probe is an enhanced version of the standard ½” NPT quill probe, where an upper section has been added to allow up to three NESSI/SP76 compliant sample system components to be mounted and connected in series.
- Modular system.
- Plug & play integration of multiple devices.
- Easy operation.
- Low Maintenance.
- Allows for optimal positioning of analyzers in the process stream.
- Lower ownership costs and easy assembly.
- Natural gas property testing.
- Demanding CEMS applications.
- Process and flare gas applications.
- Liquid petroleum gas, hydrogen, and air gas streams.
- Petrochemical, chemical, oil refining applications.
- Hydrocarbon feed stocks & Intermediates.
Nessi Probe:
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