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Hazloc Heaters
Copper Tip Energy Services
Copper Tip Energy
Hazloc Heaters

Premier Storage Solutions for Mining Companies

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The finished fabric structure warehouse installation

The North American mining industry is constantly growing, which is why Cobra Structures started off 2020 in a northern climate with two major projects for a high-end mining client.

The industry connections and proven capabilities of Cobra Structures led the client to select them as the right choice for their full turnkey provider. They delivered on both structures.

Project One:

Heated Warehouse – 150’ wide x 200’ long


The installed 30,000 square foot fabric building.

Service: Supply & installation
Application: Fully-insulated, heated warehouse
Size:  150’ wide 200’ long free-span warehouse (30,000 square feet), 24’ x 50’ truck bay
Features: Fully insulated and features controlled applications such as heating, lighting, fire suppression, and other electrical components.
Building type:  Genesis Building

Project Description

This project was a prime example of Cobra Structures’ ability to take on any full turnkey project with tailored customizations per the client’s requests, such as the truck bay. Their installation team spent approximately two months during the winter erecting the client’s fabric buildings. Temperatures dropped to over -30 °C when they were on-site, with heavy snowfall too.

Genesis Building Profile

The building’s profile is a popular option among commercial warehouses as its free-span webbed trusses provide maximum storage space, allowing equipment to move around with ease. The structure provides exceptional snow load capacity and its generous profile features a huge clear-span with superior building height for racking supplies.


Cobra Structures made sure the fabric structure met the mining client’s exact needs

Customized Truck Bay

Another significant feature of this particular project is the 24’ x 50’ truck bay attached to the main fabric building. The fabric-covered bay covers the entire loading area and provides enough width for semi-trucks to back in while with extra room on each side. Most importantly, it covers the loading area year-round to protect transported materials from any harsh weather exposure.


Project Two:

Cold Storage Warehouse – 62’ wide x 120’ long


The fully installed 62’ x 120’ fabric building and its shipping container foundation.

Service: Supply & installation
Application: Lubricant cold storage warehouse with shipping container foundation
Size:  62’ wide 120’ long free-span (7,440 square feet)
Features: Fully insulated and features controlled applications such as heating, lighting, fire suppression, and other electrical components.
Building type: Atlas Building

Structure Description

The second fabric structure for the mining client was a lubricant storage warehouse built with Cobra Structures’ shipping container foundation. With six customized 40’ long sea containers that have roll-up door access outside and also from inside the building, the cold storage warehouse has maximum accessible storage space.

Atlas Building Profile

The Atlas is a popular building profile for a shipping container foundation due to its ease of setup, generous interior space and cost effectiveness.


Cobra Structures’ installation team at the job site.

Shipping Container Foundation

The sea can container foundation is one Cobra Structures excels at. They have installed previous fabric structures with this foundation and work closely with their sister company, Bison Container Homes, for custom sea can container solutions.


The six shipping containers provide an additional 1,920 square feet of storage space.

Building Use

Within two weeks, this mining client had their new cold storage warehouse ready for use. They’ve since used the structure for storing oil, gas, grease, and other chemicals vital to their daily operations. The extra storage spaces from the containers have been of great benefit.

The shipping container foundation was another example of how Cobra Structures can handle custom, innovative building solutions.

Cobra Structures’ Mining & Exploration Buildings

Specializing in commercial buildings, the warehouses highlighted how Cobra Structures is your premier fabric building provider. Whether big or small, their team will perform at their best to provide industry-leading quality and service. If your building requires controlled features, their mechanical division, Cobra Mechanical, is on task to handle your requirements. From the first point of contact until the completion of the project— they keep you on time and on budget.


Their installers worked 12-hour days in order to meet the client’s timeframe.

Looking for a custom storage solution? Message Cobra Structures for a free quote.

Additional Fabric Building Warehouse Photos

Check out more photos of Cobra Structures’ warehouse fabric structures for their mining client.


The clear-span interior allows maximum storage capacity at the mining site.


The building’s trusses are 65’ tall, a major advantage of Cobra Structures’ Genesis Buildings.


Along with a man door at each end, the warehouse has a 16’ x 16’ overhead door.


Day and night, weekday and weekend, Cobra Structures’ installation team was outside working.


Cobra Structures’ installation team working inside the cold storage warehouse.


The exterior of the 24’ x 50’ fabric building truck bay.

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