Gemini Fabrication has teamed up with HIVE Innovations for our first annual Green Shirt Day initiative. The purpose of our Green Shirt Day initiative is to team up with willing partners and engage in our community in a meaningful way while encouraging environmental mindfulness.
2020 has been a year of curveballs and new challenges; which of course means new opportunities. With the emergence of the COVID Global Pandemic, and so many new bylaws, restrictions and pandemic-related corporate policies – our options were very limited.
In order to push forward with our first annual Green Shirt Day initiative we decided to team up with the talented folks over at HIVE Innovations and organize a site clean-up activity at Gemini Fabrications 55 acre fabrication facility in Ponoka, Alberta. We spent the day doing clean-up, reclamation and recycling tasks at the Ponoka facility and in typical Gemini and HIVE fashion; had a blast doing it!
We had a fantastic time cleaning up the yard and got everything in tip-top shape; ready for the next year of some of Western Canada’s top fabrication projects to be completed on budget and on time!
We can’t wait for Green Shirt Day 2021 and the fun challenge that may bring us!
Learn more about Gemini Fabrication by visiting us online at
Travis Sharpe
Director of Business Development & Marketing, Gemini Fabrication
Main: 587-850-0453 | Cell: 403-651-8300
[email protected] |
#900, 550 6th Ave SW, Calgary T2P0S2
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