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Copper Tip Energy Services
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Copper Tip Energy

Want to save 5-25% on Total Installed Cost? DyCat Solutions can show you how!

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We have the expertise and methods proven to reduce the Total Installed Cost (TIC) on projects, with reductions ranging from 5% – 25%!

DyCat Solutions is a specialized industrial services consulting firm that provides the technical expertise, tools, training and governance that will:

  • Optimize your ROI
  • Reduce your Capital Cost and Schedule
  • Reduce Labor Risk
  • Provide Cost and Schedule Certainty

DyCat Solutions is based in Calgary, Alberta and provides consultancy services worldwide. We currently serve clients in Canada and South Korea and are branching into the US in the near future.

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What solutions does DyCat Solutions provide?

We provide solutions that help projects meet funding objectives in order to get the approval to move forward. We are Subject Matter Experts and have strategic Toolkits that provide the “how” for solutions that will reduce cost, schedule and labor risk, such as:

  • Optimum Modular Design and Execution methods, training and tools
  • Optimum Standardization Design and Execution methods, training and tools
  • Establish a fit-for-purpose Design Basis and Specification (Minimum Kit)
  • Establish Lean Execution Efficiency methods to be implemented on projects

Optimum Modular Design and Execution

Optimum Modularization is a method used globally and is proven to reduce cost and provide both cost and schedule certainty. Other benefits include reduced key material quantities, improved safety and quality, and reduced labour risk.

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The DyCat Solutions Tool Kit for Modularization includes:

  • Owners’ guide to modular execution
  • Modular assessment methodology
  • Modular layout optimization methodology
  • Modular execution risk mitigators
  • Modular Class 4 and 5 estimating tools
  • Modular execution class 3 estimate methodology
  • Optimum modularization and pre-assembly guide
  • Modular execution training courses and workshops
  • Logistics and transportation analysis
  • Module fabrication and assembly yard guide

Optimum Standardization Design and Execution

Optimum Standardization is a method proven to reduce cost and provide both cost and schedule certainty. By applying effective standardization methods and processes, projects can reduce unnecessary design redundancies.

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The DyCat Solutions Tool Kit for Standardization includes:

  • Owners’ guide to standard execution
  • Standard execution risk mitigators
  • Standard execution training courses and workshops
  • Standardization assessment methodology
  • Processes and guidelines for standardized data and documents
  • Guide for specifying standard equipment and pre-assemblies

Lean Design – Establish a Fit-for-Purpose Design Basis and Specification (Minimum Kit)

DyCat Solutions has the tools necessary to assist in developing a lean design basis and technical specifications, while applying industry standards. This method helps to establish ‘real needs’ vs. ‘nice to haves’.

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The DyCat Solutions Minimum Kit Toolkit includes:

  • Owner’s guide to using the toolkit
  • Technology selection criteria analysis
  • Rapid process simplification and functionality evaluation method
  • Class of Facilities Quality (CFQ) detailed discipline checklists and workshops
  • Design Margin analysis method
  • Availability/Reliability analysis recommendations
  • Loss Prevention Criteria Analysis
  • CFQ Cost Metrics

Establish Lean Execution Efficiency

Productivity in the construction industry continues to lag behind the manufacturing industry. Specific approaches proven in the manufacturing industry, such as lean and integrated project delivery, should be applied to project execution in the construction industry to achieve similar results. The main objective of “Lean” Execution Efficiency is to maximize customer value while eliminating waste.

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The DyCat Solutions Execution Efficiency Toolkit includes:

  • Advanced Work Packaging
  • Lean engineering, fabrication and construction methods, such as:
    • Lean Six Sigma Value Stream Evaluation
    • Data management interface analysis
    • Fabrication/assembly and constructability review checklists
    • Scaffolding reduction assessment
    • Advanced workface planning assessment

Contact us today to book a no-obligation consultation to learn how we can reduce your overall cost, schedule and labor risk for your oil, gas, petrochemical or mining projects!

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