DIMATE plans to develop ultrasonic gateways to transfer the proprietary data formats of this group of devices to DICONDE and to integrate ultrasonic testing, similar to digital and DICONDE-compliant radiographic testing, into a workflow without media breaks and digital discontinuities.
Ultrasonic measurement data, in particular pipe wall thickness measurements, could then be made available to the Asset Performance System (APM) or Inspection Data Management System (IDMS) directly from the DIMATE PACS, independent of the test equipment manufacturer and independent of the NDT service contractor.
This would make the most important inspection data (RT, UT, VT) for integrity testing of safety-relevant components available from the DIMATE PACS in a standardized, structured and vendor-independent manner.
This is of great importance for digital decision-making processes within APM & IDMS and for the success of AI projects such as Predictive Maintenance or Digital Twins.
If you would also like to digitize your ultrasonic inspection processes and exchange data directly with your inspection management system, simply send us an email at [email protected] to get in touch with the experts.
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