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Hazloc Heaters
Copper Tip Energy Services
Copper Tip Energy
Hazloc Heaters

CASE STUDY: Heavy-Oil Truck Offloading Terminal – the SKYMOD Solution.

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CASE STUDY - Heavy-Oil Truck Offloading Terminal - the SKYMOD Solution

This SKYMOD is comprised of eight truck offload stations connected to an overhead piping system and can expand to accommodate two future truck offload stations.

In February 2020, Sky Eye was awarded and kicked off front-end engineering design (FEED) for a 975m3/hr Heavy Oil Truck Offloading Terminal for a Western Canadian producer. This project included an overhead piping system, truck offload stations and an on-site operations laboratory. Shortly after the project was awarded, the COVID-19 pandemic hit and this project, like many others, went on hold. In February 2021, the Sky Eye team received the award for the fabrication portion of the work and ultimately shipped this project to the site in July 2021.

Sky Eye’s focus on design readiness and organization meant we could be strategic about procurement and avoid any pandemic-related supply chain issues throughout the project lifecycle.

This SKYMOD, pre-fabricated modular facility was the first of its kind for the Sky Eye team, and was designed to meet this client’s need to expand their capacity for rail loading in Western Canada. This facility enables this client to transport heavy oil from local production facilities to this new Rail Loading Terminal via trucks. Once the truckloads of oil arrive at the new facility, the oil is stored temporarily in a surge vessel before being loaded onto rail cars. This SKYMOD is comprised of eight truck offload stations connected to an overhead piping system and can expand to accommodate two future truck offload stations if required in the future. Sky Eye was responsible for building the overhead piping system, truck offload metering stations, and on-site Operations Laboratory.

This project’s oil header piping and overhead bridge system design and fabrication were a new endeavour for Sky Eye. While Sky Eye has completed other header systems and countless Truck Offload Packages, this was the highest volume oil header the team has undertaken to date. Sky Eye was able to tackle this modularized project due to the significant organizational coordination by our engineering and projects team and the exceptional skills of our fabrication team on the bridging and the piping.

This project required in-depth coordination between all parties to meet its tight deadline. Sky Eye developed an in-depth transportation plan to ensure that all materials made it to the site in a way that meant for simple, quick construction for this client. Sky Eye’s Engineering, Projects and Fabrication team collaborated to develop a construction plan that identified precisely how the modular components would need to be unpacked and assembled on site. Sky Eye mapped out the terminal components in an order that made sense for efficient construction, then created stackable modules to cut down on trucks and save on shipping. Shipping was a complex undertaking and required that modules be loaded in a specific order and then unloaded and assembled according to the pre-determined plan. In addition to the transport plan, Sky Eye provided an assembly plan to the site team to begin setup as soon as all loads were on site, without the assistance of a Sky Eye representative. The value of the advance planning ensured that the project was up and running on time and on budget.

Ultimately, this project enabled this client to get their heavy oil to market faster. Most notably, this project’s modular nature saved this client significant money by reducing transportation costs and overall construction time at the site.

This client engaged Sky Eye to provide a cost-effective truck offloading system that was efficient, safe, and custody transfer compliant. Sky Eye was relied upon to provide the technology to perform to all national codes and standards reliably. Ultimately, this project enabled this client to get their heavy oil to market faster. Most notably, this project’s modular nature saved this client significant money by reducing transportation costs and overall construction time at the site.

CASE STUDY - Heavy-Oil Truck Offloading Terminal - the SKYMOD Solution 2

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