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Copper Tip Energy

How Mobile Technology is Changing the way Pipeline Operators Work

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Most pipeline operators have thousands of assets requiring constant inspection, maintenance, and activity. From pigging to inline inspections, water crossing to signage – pipelines require continuous upkeep and are often scattered across remote areas. Finding a location can be difficult enough, but logging activity in binders and faxing handwritten forms to offices creates an immense, expensive administrative strain. However, everyone today carries a powerful computer in their pockets, and this immense potential mostly goes untapped. That’s where Cenozon’s FIND comes in.

Short for ‘Field Integration & Navigation Data,’ FIND plots every asset on an intuitive mapping interface, allowing field workers to simply search for any asset, and receive the fastest directions to any location. Even Google Map can’t tell where your pig receiver is, never-mind how to get there.

Check the condition of all your risers in real time and more using Cenozon's FIND Video Thumbnail

FIND will even tell you how far you are standing from an asset. (Even in deep snow, you know your sign is two meters west). But that is just the beginning. It is easier than ever to optimize your scheduling and complete inspections, maintenance, and operations quicker than ever before.

Once at a location there are no binders, reference materials, or out-of-ink pens. The same app contains customizable forms and workflows for each activity, with the ability to attach pictures and videos of the asset. Simply complete the digital form and it is submitted to a centralized, cloud-based system. If there isn’t cell service, the form is saved offline and is automatically uploaded when cell service is restored.

At the office, there is no more sorting and interpreting handwritten paper documents. Data is instantly accessible and can be organized by follow-up priority. Data can easily be shared across organizations, automatically aligning with your corporate permission structure. With annual inspection requirements, it can be easy to fall behind and miss certain assets. Not with FIND. Embrace technology, optimize operations, and never miss another inspection again – or an opportunity to save time, save money, and meet compliance.

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