How is it even possible?
During these unprecedented times, the ability to maintain project efficiency and ongoing team collaboration while regulating costs can single-handedly determine many field services organizations’ longevity. As difficult of a task as that may seem, it is not impossible.
With the government providing support and facilitating the environmental services industry within the oil and gas operational framework, professionals are increasingly opting for processes optimization online and offline in the field.
The “secret ingredient” for the guaranteed success is the data visualization platform, which combines the GIS system with project management., being a one-stop-shop for optimized field project management, meets professionals’ needs by supporting an increase in the number of sites managed, improving workers collaboration, and finding new operational efficiencies in real-world projects.
The need for such improvement and better tools has been supported within multiple industries already, as seen in the recent Deloitte study about digital transformation within organizations. According to the report, “Roughly twice as many respondents reported being driven by productivity (improved efficiency) and operations goals (reduced risks) rather than by the desire for innovation, by competitive pressure, or even by customer requirements.”
We are offering you to see it all with your own eyes, on your project location map. During a 30 minutes call, we can demonstrate how upstream operators and environmental consultants have taken advantage of technological innovations that are intuitive & easy to use. Start improving collaboration and efficiency across project teams with Matidor today and Request a Demo.
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