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TRIAGE: Pipeline Integrity Hazard Classification & Mitigation Guidance Risk-Optimizes Oil & Gas Maintenance Costs

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TRIAGE Addresses the Root-Cause of Pipeline Failures

TRIAGE – integrity hazard classification and risk-optimized mitigation guidance is an innovative data service proven successful at addressing the root cause of pipeline failures by; 1) improving the characterization of the over-life corrosive environment to which pipelines are exposed; and 2) by aligning mitigation activities to the corrosive environment and pipeline physical condition.

The TRIAGE data service includes publication of a hierarchy of preferred corrosion mitigation options designed to uniquely position field, operations teams to consider their system knowledge and operating experience to create mitigation schedules more appropriately aligned with the risk pipeline failure compared to traditional industry standard risk assessment methods.

TRIAGE Applies Complex Data Pattern Analytics to Deliver Accurate Results

TRIAGE hazard classification algorithms are unique because of the incorporation of results derived by application of complex data pattern analytics onto 40-years of industry operating data, including an in-depth analysis of 8,500 historical pipeline failure events.

TRIAGE incorporates elements common to standard hazard classification methods in addition to supplemental consideration of detrimental upstream well behaviour; important considerations that remain solidly within the blind-spot of all other industry standard methods.

Figure 1.0 – TRIAGE Uniquely Considers Important Blind-Spot Integrity Hazards

TRAIGE - Pipeline Integrity Hazard Classification & Mitigation Guidance Risk-Optimizes Oil & Gas Maintenance Costs 1

TRIAGE has been Proven by Progressive Field, Ops. Teams

Progressive operating companies have rapidly realized measurable benefits by adopting TRIAGE into their formal integrity management work processes.

TRIAGE has been proven to significantly reduce, and even eliminate pipeline failures with a proven savings is direct integrity costs equal to $1 million / year / 1,000 km of operating pipelines.

TRIAGE has been adopted by the only three top-tier production companies that have demonstrated a flattening of their pipeline failure frequency curves with a total combined 10-year combined savings in direct integrity management costs equal to $60 million.

Figure 2.0 – TRIAGE Flattens the Failure Curves for Top-Tier Producers

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Figure 3.0 – Typical Pipeline Failure Event Curves for Top-Tier Producers

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TRIAGE is an Affordable Data Service Deployed within AbaData

TRIAGE integrity hazard classification and mitigation service complements the existing work of corporate pipeline integrity and field operations teams. TRIAGE is updated for all western Canada pipelines monthly, with assessment results and mitigation guidance embedded into the popular AbaData pipeline data application.

TRIAGE is offered to most oil and gas production companies in exchange for a subscription fee less than $2,500 / month.

Figure 4.0 – TRIAGE is Deployed within AbaData

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Innovative Integrity Management Services – Trusted Pipeline Advisor

Trusted Pipeline Advisor is service of Smart-Project Management Inc. (2010 – 2021).

Trusted Pipeline Advisor (TPA) is an innovative pipeline integrity consulting service provided by Smart-Project Management Inc. (2010 – 2021). TPA services help operating companies de-risk their pipeline assets better than traditional industry standard methods.

TPA are proud to offer our advanced TRIAGE integrity hazard models for internal and external corrosion pipeline integrity hazards as a data service complementary to the work already underway by integrity management and field chemical teams.

David Richardson, P.Eng.
Phone: (403) 880-2835
Email: [email protected]

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