If you knew there was a gas leak in your neighborhood and the lives of all the families who live near you were at risk, you would warn people right? I’m sure that when it comes to safety, you’d want to share with your peers in industry as well. After all, you may be competitors in some ways when it comes to production but when it comes to safety, an incident effects everyone and prevention is in everyone’s best interest.
Some companies are very brave, they put a stake in the ground and share things like operating procedures and best practices through industry associations, conference presentations or other mediums. Many others want to share but the challenge comes in how to do it without giving away a competitive advantage or disclosing sensitive information…
The intelligence You Need to Make the Right Choice
Using analytics and industry data to ensure critical threats are addressed gives you and all stakeholders peace of mind knowing that all critical threats are being managed. Risk Alive® holds the world’s largest collection of PHA and risk data and has the advanced tools and technology to analyze it effectively and efficiently.
You can now access huge collections of data for facilities of all types, from refineries to gas plants, and fertilizer production to French fry factories to identify common threats, mitigations and the best strategies to protect your investments.
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