8 am MST:
Hear a panel discussion moderated by Geoffrey Cann
Featuring: Chris Leonard (Director of Strategy & Digital Transformation Plains Midstream) Mark Sombach,(Digital Innovation Specialist/Group Lead Cenovus) Miryah Scott VizworX, Account Executive, Dan Giurescu Visionary. Strategizer. Idea Accelerator. Serial Entrepreneur. Terra Hub
Join the presentation here
9 am MST:
Hear Greg Bollella, Ph.D.CTO, Internet-of-Things VMware, Inc.
Join the presentation here http://www.industryconnect.ca/en/registration
Presentation title: Lets get Digital… IIoT
10:00 am MST:
Patrick Reilly Managing Partner – Technology, Vista Projects
Join the presentation here http://www.industryconnect.ca/en/registration
Presentation title: The Benefits of a Data-centric Approach in Facility Engineering
11:00 AM MST:
James Graham GuildOne
Join the presentation here http://www.industryconnect.ca/en/registration
Presentation title: Monitoring Hydrocarbons Throughout the Value Chain with Blockchain
1:00 PM MST:
Bryan Pederson Executive VP – Amalto Technologies North America
Join the presentation here http://www.industryconnect.ca/en/registration
Presentation title: WFT?! (Why Field Tickets?!)
3:00 PM MST:
Zach Parston Manager, Global Infrastructure Advisory KPMG in Canada
Helen Mott Director, Global Infrastructure Advisory KPMG in Canada
Join the presentation here http://www.industryconnect.ca/en/registration
Positive Disruption in infrastructure, asset management and capital projects: To maximize return on investment (ROI), digital transformation and technology implementations for major projects, or infrastructure asset management need to be aligned to business priorities, guided by strategy, and sensitive to the capacity and culture of the organization. This presentation will outline preparation strategies to set your organization up for positive digital disruption.