KINGSTON-UPON-HULL, EAST YORKSHIRE, UNITED KINGDOM, January 30, 2018 / — Shipping and Marine Support services (such as to the Oil and Gas industry) are open to tough competition on a global scale with ever increasing demands placed upon lowering cost but increasing safety. Safety critical systems’ performance are under the spotlight to avoid past fatal disasters such as Amoco Cadiz, Piper Alpha, Derbyshire, Petrobras 36, Deepwater Horizon and countless other environmental marine pollution incidents while the remnants of the global recession and the state of oil weigh heavily on profit.
Prior to the offshore oil and gas downturn, spending on maintenance costs has risen 10-15% per annum since 1979 with total spends estimated around US$1 trillion by 2014. (Lobley, 2014)
Efficiency through optimisation is at the forefront of those companies that aim beyond survival. Digitalisation is all the rage in Maritime circles where many believe it can provide elusive efficiencies so desperately sought after. However, adding further complexity to already complex systems (Hydraulic, Electrical, Pneumatic, Electronic) creates an exponential rise in the variety and severity of failure consequences (Moubray, 1997) leading to often ludicrously, over-specified maintenance programmes being thrust upon already stretched maintenance crews.
Relmar offers you a White Paper showing a framework specifically developed for Maritime that can achieve true optimisation by balancing Cost, Risk and Performance, and which provides the foundation to successfully attaining ISO55000 Asset Management certification.
It will transform the relationship between those that use physical Maritime assets and those that manufacture them. It will also enable new assets to be put into service with great speed, confidence and precision as well as justifying digitalisation in a cost-risk-performance optimised way.
If you are ready to move from doing the job right, to doing the right job, please reach out for a copy of our White Paper.
Please email us at [email protected]
Kenneth Shakesby
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