(Reuters) – U.S. natural gas storage is on track to end the November-March winter withdrawal season at a three-year low of 1.811 trillion cubic feet (tcf) on March 31, 2025, according to analysts’ estimates.
That compares with an eight-year high of 2.306 tcf of gas in storage at the end of the winter withdrawal season in 2024, 1.402 tcf at the end of March 2022 and a five-year (2020-2024) average of 1.878 tcf.
Looking ahead to the end of the April-October 2025 summer injection season, analysts project storage will rise to 3.698 tcf on Oct. 31, 2025, also the lowest in three years.
That compares with an eight-year high of around 3.944 tcf at the end of the summer injection season in 2024, 3.569 tcf in 2022 and a five-year (2020-2024) average of 3.783 tcf.
The 384 active storage fields in the Lower 48 states had a design capacity of 4.666 tcf in November 2023, according to the latest federal data available.
Reporting by Scott DiSavino
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