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Understanding OTM-45: A Benchmark for PFAS Air Testing

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By: Blake Ericson, Martha Maier, and Bryan Vining


How does OTM-45 work for PFAS testing?

The EPA introduced OTM-45 in 2021 as a benchmark for PFAS stack testing and as a starting point for future PFAS stack testing standards. OTM-45 identifies and determines concentrations in mass per unit gas volume sampled of specific PFAS compounds in source emissions. Gaseous and particulate-bound target pollutants are collected and the target compounds are extracted from individual sample collection media.

An OTM-45 train results in four (4) discreet sample extract fractions for analysis. The extracts are analyzed by LC- MS/MS in the MRM detection mode. The amount of each analyte present is calculated using either the isotope dilution or internal standard techniques.

For quality control purposes, the percent recoveries of the pre-extraction standards are calculated using integrated peak areas of pre-analysis standard(s), which are added to the final extract and function as traditional internal standards, exclusively applied to the pre-extraction standards.

The use of pre-sampling standards added to XAD-2 collection media prior to sampling and analyzed in the same manner as targeted PFAS compounds serve as an indication of the method’s quantitative capture efficiency. This method is not intended to differentiate between target compounds in particle or vapor fractions. The method’s use of isotopically labeled standards dramatically improves method accuracy and precision.

Why OTM-45 & Stack Testing?

As the EPA’s initial approved method for aerial PFAS testing, OTM-45 is the current benchmark for stack testing (we can reasonably expect changes in the near future), but what are the purposes of this testing procedure?

This test serves several purposes, but on a high level, these are the main areas addressed:

  • Ensure initial compliance with EPA regulations, plus state & local agency permits
  • Conduct test performance guarantee demonstration
  • Schedule and conduct periodic monitoring
  • Review engineering information including control device optimization and SCR tuning
  • Develop and outline emission factors
  • Conduct detailed emission Inventories
  • Address information Collection Requests (ICR) in a timely manner

OTM-45 Sample Train

understanding otm 45 a benchmark for pfas air testing and compliance 1

Why should your organization care, and remain ahead of the testing and reporting curve?

  • The method can support annual Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) reporting.
  • Testing can possibly eliminate your facility as a source of PFAS emissions.
  • OTM-45 is the current go-to air testing method.
  • OTM-45 is performance-based and subject to modification
  • OTM-45 has QA/QC at all stages – minimizing chances for inaccurate data and reporting.
  • PTFE should not be used.
  • Analyses should only be conducted by an experienced laboratory. This part is critical.

What’s Next?

In this blog, we’ve discussed why OTM-45 is a strong starting point for PFAS analysis and measurement of point sources and some of the expectations of using this method. If you want to talk with an expert about this method, please contact us today to get started. Explore more of our content to stay informed on the latest regulations and environmental updates.

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