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Copper Tip Energy

Are You Monitoring Your Wells Remotely? – Learn About GEO PSI’s Technology and Cost Effective Solutions

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are you monitoring your wells remotely energynow

Here at GEO PSI we often say “You can’t manage what you don’t measure”. And with the ever-increasing need to optimize operations and control costs, operators are looking to real-time remote monitoring as a way to drive the profitability of their assets.

The Issues

Many energy companies are not equipped with the modern technology required to allow for remote monitoring and management of their wells.

With ever-fluctuating oil prices and evolving sociopolitical factors, operators need to control operational costs and find ways to do more with less to remain competitive.

In the midst of all this, energy companies often still rely on their field personnel to travel to site and physically check on the status of their wells. They’re exposing their crews to driving in poor road conditions and increasing the risks of having an accident on the road or at site. They’re also incurring the incredibly high costs of personnel, equipment, and transportation required to get physical measurements from their many well sites.

Once there, personnel can only optimize pump speed or check system health at a specific moment in time, leaving them to cross their fingers and hope everything remains healthy until their next trip out to site.

These risks and costs could be safely and efficiently eliminated if companies had reliable modern systems that allowed for remote monitoring and managing their wells!

The Solution

At GEO PSI we can provide you with a cost-effective system to effectively manage your wells remotely!

Our downhole monitoring solutions provide real-time pressure & temperature data to provide valuable insights on reservoir performance, pump health, and artificial lift efficiency.

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Our downhole gauge or downhole thermocouple systems provide data to surface which is intelligently decoded to non-proprietary formats that can easily be integrated into SCADA systems or data loggers.

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Our data acquisition cabinets can be outfitted with cellular or satellite modems which can allow users to access their data in real-time, anywhere in the world!

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And for those extremely remote areas with winter access only or no reliable grid power, our systems use very little power and work perfectly with our solar power systems making for the ultimate remote wellsite monitoring solution.

The Benefits

Now more than ever, a remote monitoring system for your wells makes sense.

Some of the many benefits that will come from remote monitoring include:

You can do all of this and more by running a GEO PSI real-time downhole monitoring system!

For more information please contact us, or continue to look through our website where you can find more about the many benefits of our products and services.

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