Semerra and Terralog Technologies are collaborating to promote a stimulation process which is currently being used overseas with great success. This Slow & Easy (S&E) stimulation service provides more sustainable production from unconventional wells/formations, at a lower stimulation cost vs conventional fracturing processes, and with none of the environmental side-effects.
Semerra has over 20 years of pressure testing and pumping field services experience. Semerra can bring great value to clients who are looking to restimulate any of their wells in a cost effective manner. Terralog Technologies Inc. (TTI) core focus is sustainable energy resource development using its expertise in clean-energy geomechanics. TTI has developed an innovative stimulation process for unconventional reservoirs (tight, stiff oil/gas reservoirs + shale reservoirs) – called the Slow and Easy (S&E) stimulation process.
Semerra and Terralog provide a next-generation well stimulation service that solves field issues:
- Reduced risk of ‘frac hits’
- Produced water used as a frac fluid
- No wellbore integrity issues
- Reduced environmental impact:
- No induced seismicity
- Improved water management + no fresh water usage
- No chemicals used during treatment
- Small surface footprint during treatment
- The S&E service provides a cost-effective and environmentally sustainable stimulation treatment
TTI is continuing to have success with Slow and Easy stimulation work in the Asia Pacific market – multiple wells have been stimulated to-date with impressive results. TTI is now active in:
- China – active field projects with PetroChina
- Indonesia – project development. The S&E process has recently been approved for use as a stimulation technology at multiple unconventional blocks.
- Australia – market development initiative for tight gas resource development
Maiy Latif
Project Development Engineer
Terralog Technologies Inc.
[email protected]
+1 403 216 4730
Jennifer Demmery
Business Development
Semerra Ltd.
[email protected]
+587 298 5735
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