You’re reviewing the list of action items your company is working through and can’t believe the sheer number. Some of your facilities have been operating for decades, how can there be so many action items from days, months, or even years ago? The amount of activity driven by PHA findings, audits and incident investigations, site safety tours and equipment inspection reports is astonishing and many companies struggle to make real progress on them. The hardest and most overwhelming part, of course, is prioritization and determining where to begin.
The reality of the situation is that there are real risks behind all these actions and until they are resolved, those risks are present in your facilities. The cause of many incidents comes back to unresolved recommendations. Some of those risks are greater than others. Some may not require resolution at all. There could even be overlapping recommendations that address the same risk. With these possibilities top of mind, in some cases it can be very challenging to differentiate these recommendations…
The intelligence You Need to Make the Right Choice
Using analytics and industry data to ensure critical threats are addressed gives you and all stakeholders peace of mind knowing that all critical threats are being managed. Risk Alive® holds the world’s largest collection of PHA and risk data and has the advanced tools and technology to analyze it effectively and efficiently.
You can now access huge collections of data for facilities of all types, from refineries to gas plants, and fertilizer production to French fry factories to identify common threats, mitigations and the best strategies to protect your investments.
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