SWAN HILLS, Alta. — A large spill of crude oil and produced water at a Cardinal Energy facility near Swan Hills is being cleaned up.
The Alberta Energy Regulator has few details about Saturday’s spill on its compliance reporting website.
It says 320,000 litres of the substances leaked after a problem with pump equipment.
The regulator says no wildlife has been affected.
Cardinal Energy chief executive officer Scott Ratushny says in a statement that the spill happened at its House Mountain operations about 36 kilometres northeast of Swan Hills, Alta.
He says it was noticed by their staff and took place as a result of a mechanical failure on a transfer pump.
“Most of the fluid release was captured within the safety containment berm surrounding the facility,” said Ratushny in the statement. “It is estimated that 99 per cent of the spill has been recovered.
“The company’s emergency response plan was immediately implemented.”
Ratushny said they continue to work with the regulator, safety and health agencies in implementing their spill response and clean-up plans.
“At present, we are working to reduce the potential impact to the environment and local stakeholders,” he said. “There have been no injuries as a result of the incident, nor any impacts to wildlife or water bodies.”
Swan Hills is about 220 kilometres northwest of Edmonton.
The Canadian Press
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