WASHINGTON D.C.–Today, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced a plan to provide $12 milion for new research on Quantum Information Science (QIS) for particle physics.
QIS seeks to harness exotic quantum properties of matter for computing, information processing, and other applications. The current initiative will explore potential synergies and connections between QIS and particle physics, with the aim of promoting progress in both fields. Some projects are expected to use quantum computers and information systems to advance understanding of particle physics, while others will draw on insights from particle physics to advance QIS.
“QIS represents the next frontier in the information Age,” said Under Secretary of Energy for Science Paul Dabbar. “These grants will help ensure sustained American leadership in QIS, yield important new insights into the nature of our universe, and spur development of new technologies that benefit our economy and society.”
Applications will be open to universities, national laboratories, industry, and nonprofits, with awards selected by peer review. Total planned funding is $12 million, in most cases for two-year projects, with outyear funding pending congressional appropriations.
Final applications are due on April 16, 2019 by 5 p.m. Eastern time. Letters of intent are required and are due on March 5, 2019 by 5 p.m. Eastern time. The full text of the Funding Opportunity Announcement, along with a parallel, companion announcement for DOE laboratories, issued by DOE’s Office of Science, can be found here.
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