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Copper Tip Energy
Hazloc Heaters

Peace of Mind in the Oil Patch – Headwind Solutions

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Positive Air Shut Off System

When it comes to the oil and gas industry, there is no concern more paramount than the safety of those who work in it. Making a living in the oil patch isn’t for the faint of heart, and there are plenty of opportunities to run into trouble at any moment if a critical piece of equipment were to fail, or a problem were to occur in the wrong place at the wrong time. It’s of the utmost importance that these types of situations are considered and planned for, in order to keep each site accident-free, and to protect the wellbeing of those individuals who work out in the field. If you’re looking for peace of mind, and want to ensure that your site is one that is safe for all those working it, Headwind Solutions is here to help.

Established in early 2009 by Galen Schacher, Headwind Solutions operates out of Camrose, Alberta, and has since established a distribution center in Hastings, Nebraska. Built from the ground up by individuals who have paid their dues working out in the oil patch themselves, Headwind Solutions understands the ins and outs of the industry through first-hand, boots-on-the-ground experience, and is driven to provide safety solutions and accountability through real-world, first-hand experience. It was in this manner that Headwind Solutions decided to address the problematic issue of diesel engine runaway events that can lead to explosive and tragic results – the movie Deepwater Horizon is a great example of this sort of scenario – and the Shocker Positive Air Shutoff System (Shocker PASS) is the result of their labours.

The Shocker PASS is a mechanical device attached to the diesel engines air intake system. It monitors engine speed and activates the valve portion to close the air flow off to the engine, which in turn will shut the diesel engine down immediately. This only occurs in the event of an engine overspeed or runaway situation.

Positive Air Shut Off System 2

“If the Deepwater Horizon engines had our systems on them,” Steve Podolski, sales manager at Headwind Solutions explained, “the rig wouldn’t have blown up. You would have just had an oil and gas leak. You would not have had the explosion.” For anyone who saw Mark Wahlberg’s 2016 film featuring the events that took place out on that rig, this idea alone offers reason enough to give the Shocker PASS some very serious consideration! The notion that this catastrophe could have been averted by the installation of a positive air shutdown system is a powerful one – especially considering the individuals who lost their lives as a result of that explosion.

“Of course, it doesn’t have to be that dramatic,” Podolski told us. “There are incidences where diesel runaways have taken out storage facilities or just simply destroyed a diesel engine.” These sorts of situations have unfortunately become a fairly common occurrence – and while these accidents are often kept as quiet as possible, people are starting to take notice. New legislation is coming down from Transport Canada that stipulates every fuel hauler (Class 2 & 3) in operation must be fitted with an automatic positive shutoff system by January 12, 2018, inspired by the number of runaway events that have occurred in recent years. While it’s a shame that it’s taken injuries and accidents to see change put into place, the team at Headwind Solutions are happy to see that the industry is starting to head in the right direction, and are onboard to help usher in this positive new direction as best they can, with their Alberta-designed and –built products.

With a staff of 18 employees, Headwind Solutions manufactures all of their own materials, from the decals they use to the electronic components onboard each of their systems. More than that, everyone at Headwind Solutions is dedicated to ensuring clients receive VIP treatment, each and every time a customer interacts with them. With a tech department that’s always available, a deep stock of products and parts, shipping that’s typically same-day, and two in-house 3D printers ready to draw up a model of anything that might be needed within minutes, Headwind Solutions strives to ensure that your needs are met as quickly, efficiently, and painlessly as possible. Maybe that’s why they were awarded the Canadian Rental Association 2017 Supplier of the Year Award!

“It’s the oil patch,” Podolski related to us, when asked what sets Headwind Solutions ahead of the crowd. “It’s very service orientated, and we do that, because we come from the patch, and we know what it’s like. Our technology is new and modern, and it fits the new and modern equipment and electronics. It’s smaller, compact, lightweight, more efficient, easier to service and install, plus more reliable. That old workhorse might still do the job, but it’s time to make the change to something newer and better.”

If you’re looking to remove the concern of disaster-like events on your site, contact the sales staff at 780-672-2775, or [email protected]. Discover a company that’s excited to work with you to make your day better – and safer – call Headwind Solutions.

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