This December EAGE is bringing you a very special event for our community of geoscientists and engineers: the EAGE 2020 Annual Online Conference on 8-11 December.
We are introducing a unique online experience. The programme we are developing will meet members’ expectations with an opportunity for the productive knowledge exchange and networking in all our disciplines.
We intend this online gathering to offer a bridge to next year’s Annual Conference and Exhibition now planned for Amsterdam on 14-17 June 2021 assuming health and safety issues have been resolved by then.
A key element will be the Technical Programme, with over 455 presentations. The duration of the Technical Programme sessions will be 55 minutes and will extend over 4 days. Please check the technical program section for more details.
In addition, we are planning a separate unique and exciting range of activities to complement the Technical Programme. This is where we will incorporate some of our traditional ‘Annual’ activities such as the student programme and 3 Strategic Forums. But we also see this as a chance for our Community to come together to discuss major global issues impacting the geosciences, the shape of EAGE going forward, along with some new features made possible by online communication. Expect some surprises …
For more information about this event, or to register, please visit: